
Free Example download of Android

  1. Create an application to make Insert, update, Delete and retrieve operation on the database.

  2. Create an application to read file from the sdcard and display that file content to the screen.

  3. Create an application to draw line on the screen as user drag his finger.

  4. Create an application to send message between two emulators.

  5. Create an application to pick up any image from the native application gallery and display it on the screen.

  6. Read phonebook contacts using content providers and display in list.

  7. Read messages from the mobile and display it on the screen.

  8. Create an application to call specific entered number by user in the EditText.

  9. Create an application to read file from asset folder and copy it in memory card.

  10. Create an application that will play a media file from the memory card.

  11. Create spinner with strings taken from resource folder(res >> valuefolder), On changing spinner value, change image.

  12. Create an application that will change color of the screen,based on selected options from the menu.

  13. Create an application that will display toast(Message) on specific intervalof time.

  14. Create background application that will open activity on specific time.

  15. Create an application that will have spinner with list of animation names.On selecting animation name, that animation should affect on the imagesdisplayed below.

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